Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Upcoming SEE Events

Wednesday, 04/06 – SEE Meeting, 6:30pm in NEB386

At this final meeting of the spring semester, SEE will elect new officers for the 2011-2012 academic year. Next year’s SEE activities will also be planned. If you have any interest in an officer position, organic gardening, adopt-a-road or community clean-ups, departmental events/socials, guest lectures, trips, etc... YOU SHOULD ATTEND! Snacks and refreshments will be served.

Thursday, 04/21 – EES Spring Social, 7:00pm in Arredondo Room at the Reitz Union

The purpose of this annual event is to bring EES students, faculty, and staff together to celebrate the closing of another successful semester. Undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff are all invited and encouraged to attend. Guests are also welcome. This year's event will be in the Arredondo Room inside the Reitz Union from 7-10pm. Graduating students will be recognized and receive gifts from the department and the McCreary Award will be presented to the EES "Professor of the Year"!

Saturday, 04/30 – Adopt-A-Road Clean-up, 9:30am at NE 15th St & NE 39th Ave

SEE’s final Adopt-A-Road clean-up will happen the Saturday after classes end. If you are still in Gainesville, come participate in this much needed community project. A post-clean-up feast (at Satchel’s Pizza) may be in order if we can round up at least 5 volunteers. This will be discussed further at the SEE meeting this Wednesday.