
Membership in this organization is open to enrolled students at the University of Florida. Non-students, spouses, faculty, and staff may be associate members; however, they may not vote or hold office. All members are free to leave and disassociate without fear of retribution, retaliation, or harassment.

Membership shall be defined in two categories: officer and active. Officers are expected to attend regular officer meetings as well as many general and unified meetings as possible. A participant will be considered an active member if s/he earns a minimum of eight points per semester, excluding summer. Active members are eligible to vote, be elected as an officer, and serve as a committee chair. A participant will be considered an associate member if s/he earns a minimum of four points per semester, excluding summer. A committee chairperson shall automatically be considered an active member. Any participant that volunteers at the UF Organic Garden Cooperative (OGC) and completes the requirements set by the Garden Manager shall automatically be considered an active member.

Points shall be counted with the following system:
General Meetings: 1 points
Unified Meetings: 1 points
Volunteer Events: 2 points
Socials: 2 point

Check this website frequently for future meeting dates.